Friday, December 13, 2019

Care for me


  1. Although I've never heard of Saba, I can tell he's been an important part of your 2019 experience. 36 hours of anything is no small deal, let alone over 100, and can usually only be accomplished through necessity or enjoyment. Identifying your love for Saba as the latter, you back this affection with a couple albums you truly enjoyed, which add to your argument while also advertising him to your audience. I think I'll check him out.

  2. I swear to god if I catch you listening to photosynthesis again I will legally have to fight you. That being said I'm glad you are able to appreciate the musical qualities of the songs, but also their lyrical content. Both are important parts of any album.

  3. Reading your blog post I could see how impactful music as a medium is to you. I feel guilty to admit that until recently, watching anthony fantano, watching videos on music theory, and a few video essays on it's impact in video games, I've always kind of thought music to be more one dimensional. But as of recently I started realizing just how strong of an impact it can have, and the emotions and messages artists can convey through it, which they wouldn't have been able to through words.
